Now you have decided which type of survey is right for you please provide the information below and we’ll do the rest.

Please complete the following information and we’ll treat this as you instructing us, subject to contract and Terms & Conditions which will be sent shortly after we receive the information below.

Please note you can still cancel if you wish and are not legally committed at this stage.

The form below provides us with all the information we need to progress matters and we will start the process once we have this information, which may include our making contact with the estate agents. We will then send you our terms and conditions of engagement, along with contracts, which are all sent electronically and one of our team may be in touch to discuss your requirements.  As with any electronic communication, you should not merely assume we’re in receipt of your enquiry below, if you haven’t heard from us within 48 hours, please call or email us directly to chase up progress.

    Your Details

    Your Name (required):

    Your Address (required):

    Your Email (required):

    Telephone Number (required):

    Property Details

    Property Address:


    Purchase Price:

    Property Type:

    Reason For Survey:

    Vendor Name:

    Contact Telephone:

    Agent Name:

    Agent Telephone:

    Your Concerns:

    Type of Survey(s) Required:

    How You Found Us

    By clicking the send button below you are confirming you are happy for us to progress matters (including making contact with Estate Agents or Vendors as necessary to do so) and our terms and conditions will be dispatched later. At this point you are not legally committed to instructing us and can still cancel if you wish.

    Book a Survey

    Updated on 2023-11-13T13:57:30+00:00, by Castle Surveyors.